Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Sunday 20th Nov 2005 Message

Sunday 20/11/2005 – Message outline and Cell Discussion Questions

Fashion Week - What are you wearing? Motifs of Garments & Clothing in the Scripture

Point No 1. Fashion statements of the Patriarchs
•Fig leaves & leather (Adam & Eve) (Gen 3:7 & 21)
•Birthday suite (Noah, drunk & naked – (Gen 9:22)
•Joseph and his fashion parade- what he wears is symbolic of his fortune
•Coloured coat (Gen 37:23)
•Servant clothes
•Prison clothes
•Finally - Fine linen provided by Pharaoh

Question 1.
What are some of the encouragement you can glean from Joseph life? What do you think is the main ingredient for his unwavering faith?

Point No. 2. Clothing was precious in ancient times
•Eg. In Judges 17 – a Levite served for 10 shekels of silver and a shirt!
•Chinese mother – cut her weaving as a teaching tool for her son not to quit.
•Metaphors of garments

Question 2
The tragedy in Judges 17 is that a Levite, called by God to serve His higher purpose has succumbed to being an idolatrous priest for the wages of 10 shekels of silver and a shirt!

Have you missed God’s higher calling for you to serve Him in your live? Have you made any adjustments in your life purposes since knowing Christ?

Point No. 3. What you wear on the outside matters, but what you are on the inside matters even more!
•Naaman – armour on the outside but leprous on the inside ( 2 Kings 5)
•Joseph – the man who was not affected by what he wears on the outside

Question 3
Why we are so concerned about what we wear on the outside?

Point No 4. What should we wear?
•Garment of Salvation – Matthew 22, Zech 3:4
•Garment of Praise and Worship
•Clothe with power from on high - the Holy Spirit
•Learn to “put off” before you “put on” (Eph 4:22-24)
•Sinful thoughts leads to sinful actions (Phil 4:8)
•Full armour of God (Eph 6:10-20)

Question 4
The parable of the “Wedding Banquet” in Matthew 22 tells us that we have the garment of salvation and righteousness freely given to us by God;

How does this truth make you feel? - more grateful to God and the Lord Jesus who died for our sin?

Why is praise such a powerful expression of our faith? Why is praise considered as a form of defiance?

How do we fill our minds with good things as listed in Phil 4:8?

CONCLUSION - WHY bother with what we wear? Because it determines your destiny!
•A. White robe/wedding gown – the gift of salvation through Christ’s blood
•B. Determine not to play according the rules of the enemy!!!
à Defiantly joyful instead of sorrow
à Rely on the power of the Holy Spirit instead of self-righteousness
à God’s rule.....give instead of take, forgive instead of revenge, love instead of hate, hope instead of despair etc.

Question 5
How does satan try to get us to play by his rules? How do you ensure yourself will NOT play by the rules of the enemy?

Can you list any other effective ways to ensure that we remain victorious and steadfast in our faith?


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