Monday, May 22, 2006

Message for 21st May 2006

Faith - key to victory & revivals 信心的功課
Text : Judges chapters 6 & 7 經文: 士 師 記 6, 7章

God loves to do the Gideon. Sounds like a dance I know but in actual fact, it’s not. It is something that He has done throughout human history and will continue to do until the very day that He returns to sort this whole mess out! ‘The Gideon’ is where God takes weak, humble, sometimes fearful people and uses them to do wonderful things. He loves doing it! And the story of Gideon has been repeated (in each persons own way) through the lives of millions throughout history.

1. Faith over circumstances 勝過環境的信心
•7 Years of Oppressions & Defeat 七年的壓制
•"But sir," Gideon replied, "if the LORD is with us, why has all this happened to us? (Judges 6:13)
•主 啊 , 耶 和 華 若 與 我 們 同 在 , 我 們 何 至 遭 遇 這 一 切 事 呢 ? (士師記 6 :13)

2. Faith restores our true Identity 以信心來重建自我形象
•"But Lord (Adonai), " Gideon asked, "how can I save Israel? My clan is the weakest in Manasseh, and I am the least in my family." (Judges 6:15)
•基 甸 說 : 主 啊, 我 有 何 能 拯 救 以 色 列 人 呢? 我 家 在 瑪 拿 西 支 派 中 是 至 貧 窮 的 。 我 在 我 父 家 是 至 微 小 的. (士師記 6 :13)
What he said was true and a fact! But God said – you are mighty warrior – (Gibbor hehayil)

3. Faith over fear 克服懼怕的信心
•Fear as a result of years of years of intimidation and oppressions –
•Pull down the idol at night (V27);
•So unsure that he asked for repeated signs.V37-40
•多年的壓制, 使基甸成為膽小無能.
•27節 - 他因怕父家和本城的人,不敢在白晝行這事,就在夜間行了
• 37-40 節 - 重複的求證 -膽小無能
God specify the bull that was 7 years old – the same period of oppression is to be sacrifice! The idol must be torn down first before revival can come! Renewal must start from his own house. 2nd can also mean full grown. Bull worship or one for puling down one for sacrifice àGod wants to deal with our problems and remove the root cause!
What a testimony to the grace of God? He was so patient with Gideon, he knew he needs to be build up slowly. But be careful – this not a pattern for us to test God!
Like 1Peter 1:7-9 – Blessed are those who have not seen and believe!

4. Faith looks to God not numbers 信心是仰望神,不是看數目
•Judges 7:1-8 - gather at the spring of Harod – “trembling”
• 32,000 less 22,000 = 10,000
•0.9 % - only 300 watchful ones was needed
•三百名勇士戰勝萬馬千軍, 不是三萬二千!
àThose who are fearful go home 7:3, years of impossible thinking/mindset
àTake them down the water, I will sift them for you V4 – baptism is another test of commitment.
Those who are not watchful, the self –indulgent go home! V8a – the remaining 300 has to be kept and retrained, because fear still griped them.
Then God gave the “doubting Gideon” one more confirmation – a dream! 7:8b-14
God still speak in dreams and vision – we have lessor need now as we have so much of the Word.

5. Faith to be broken, to glorify God 憑信心來被破碎,發光
•Judges 7: 16-22 break the jar and shout!
•The treasure in us will shine forth when we are willing to be broken! (See 2 Cor 4:6-7)
•我們這瓦器裡有寶貝, 讓我們評信心,讓神來破碎,發光! (歌林多後書4:6-8)
Broken vessel is used by God Someone once asked Hudson Taylor, the pioneer missionary to China, why he had been so successful in his missionary work in China. Hudson replied, ‘it seems to be that God searched the entire world looking for the weakest man, and when He found me, He said ‘you’ll do!’.

Conclusion & Application
FAITH is the key 信心的鑰匙•Faith looks beyond our circumstances
•Accept and embrace your God given identity
•In faith, make a small leap and greater victories will come your way
•The battle belongs to the Lord – not your own resources of numbers
•Humble and broken vessels will shine and glorify God.


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