Honour - Theme for Our 7th Annivesary Celebration
1. The significant of 7th year – year of liberty, and freedom and favour. 3 things happen in Israel in the OT
– The ground is left unploughed and unsown.
– Debts are cancelled
– Slaves or servants are set free.
If you’ve seen the invitation card, it depicts a dried, cracked muddy surface ready to be quenched by the raindrops of revival. This is our prayer and a prophetic declaration for our drought stricken land of Australia – both in the physical as well as in the spiritual realm. .
The theme of our 7th anniversary celebration service is “Honour”.
If you’ve seen the invitation card, it depicts a dried, cracked muddy surface ready to be quenched by the raindrops of revival. This is our prayer and a prophetic declaration for our drought stricken land of Australia – both in the physical as well as in the spiritual realm. .
The Bible says in several places that He will NOT honour those who only honour Him with their lips but their hearts are far from Him. (Isa 29:13-14 )
The flip side is that God will really bless those who honour Him—in Proverbs 24:4, it says “By humility and the fear of the LORD, are riches and honour and life.” In 2 Chron 7:14, there is also clear promise that He will hear from heaven and heal our land if we humble ourselves, turn from our wicked ways and pray.
On the human level, we can express “Honour” by honouring our parents and our heritage. We should also honour others who have been placed in position of authority as well as those who have helped us get ahead in life like our teachers and mentors. Last but not least, we should honour ourselves by always honouring our own words and commitments.
But ultimately, to live lives that are truly God honouring, we need to have a serious rethink—Have I live my life to the fullest extend as God has purposed for me?
The enemy of our souls is hell bent on distracting and side-tracking us into mediocrity, apathy and despair. Many have allowed disappointments, hurts and setbacks to cause us to miss out on the greater Kingdom purposes of God. I hear the Lord is challenging us today - Be strong and very courageous! Let us NOT go through life in a constant state of self-preservation—avoiding pains, finding the route of least resistance, or ever trying to get away from paying the full price! Jesus did not.
Let us take time to seek out the purposes of God in our lives. Keep on running the race till we hear Him say, “My good and faithful servant, enter into the joy of the Lord...”
Pastor Jeremy