Message Outline 28 May 06
Achsah = "Anklet" a term of endearment
Caleb’s Daughter & Joseph’s SonsBible Texts: Joshua 15:13-19; 17:14-18
SLIDE 1 Background:
The 12 tribes of Israel 以色列的十二支派
Reuben - means "Seeing". Mother: Leah.
Simeon - means "Hearing" 2nd born of Leah.
Levi - means "Joined". 3rd born of Leah. This was the priestly line- even then they were not allowed to have any physical blemishes.
Judah - means "Praise" 4th born of Leah. His was the line that proceeded to the House of David and to Jesus.
Dan - "God is judge". 1st born of Bilhah. Type of Judas or the anti-christ? Missing from the Rev 144,000. (This was Samson's tribe).
Naphtali - means "Wrestling" 2nd born of Bilhah. Wrestling was what Jacob did prior to receiving the new name of Israel.
Gad - means "A troop comes". 1st born of Zilpah (Rachel’s maid).
Asher - means "Blessed" 2nd born of Zilpah.
Issachar - means "Wages". 5th born of Leah.
Zebulun - means "Dwelling with husband" 6th born of Leah.
Joseph - means "The Lord will add a son". 1st born of Rachel.
Benjamin - means "Son of the right hand" 2nd born of Rachel. Responsible for dismembering a body into twelve pieces, Judges 19:29. we see Jesus is the REAL son of the right hand.
SLIDE 2 A. “Like Father like Daughter” Joshua 14:6-13
迦勒的信心-“虎父無犬女” ( 約書亞書14:6-13)
Read Caleb’s declaration of faith & his inheritance.
Started at 40 with Moses, now at 85, he still has the same fighting spirit.
He saw the Anakims (giants) but he also knew the Promises of God
SLIDE 3 A1. “A chip off the old block” 迦勒將女兒許配給勇士 (Joshua15:16) Achsah -“Anklet”, Caleb's only daughter was offered in marriage to the man who would lead an attack on the city of Debir
Othniel, later became one of the judges that have secured 40 yrs of peace for Israel
SLIDE 4 A2. Achsah’s faith 迦勒之女兒押撒-向父求水泉
Imagine a typical scene at the dining table in Caleb’s house…………
Achsah asked for the right things – water source. Like spiritual things, the land was barren without water source. 信心,爭取心,遠見
So are we – barren until we have the Holy Spirit.
She was bold,wise, had initiative and she had foresight.
She had confidence in her Father’s character and his love.
She asked for one, but given two!
She knew her destiny and the promises of God!
SLIDE 5 B. SONS OF JOSEPH Joshua 17:14-18 約瑟的支派兒子也是如此 Ephraim & Manasseh in Joshua 17:14-18 The sons of Joseph asked for more land – not just one lot. 以法 蓮,瑪拿西說:你為甚麼僅將一 鬮一段之地分給我們為業呢?
But they have to work for it! 神的應許,雖然會有攔阻,得堅持到底
The promise and the Challenge - go and conquered it, But the enemy have iron chariots!
Archaeology finds – a more advance culture had been conquered by a more primitive people.
Examples of Promise and obstacle – eg the patriarchs.
Abraham – land and descendants – but barren & famine
So is Isaac – Rebecca is barren, famine in the land.
Jacob, Rachel, his favourite wife is barren.
So Trust God, even though the enemy may better weapons!
God plus our will and holding fast to God’s promises are always stronger than the weapons of the enemy or circumstances.
SLIDE 6 C. Forceful men & women for the Kingdom 天國需要積極和激進的人 “From the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven has been forcefully advancing, and forceful men lay hold of it.” (Matthew 11:12)
Don’t give up living for God! – in your home, in your work, in your businesses.
Press in and Press on!
天國需要激進, 不妥協的人
Be bold, be wise and be assured of God’s love like the Achsah.
Be divinely discontented - like the Sons of Joseph.
Despite obstacles, press in to claim the full promises of God
Claim what is rightfully yours, especially the spiritual blessing that will last for the future generations.
Some crazy names there...!
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